
Update...Eight space available with eight trees. The GSBF allowed one more student so we had a full class of 9, everyone went home with a nice tree. 11-01-14

Hi Guys, well i am glad i took before pictures! Good fast draining soil can really make a difference in the growth of your bonsai...even in 5 months. These tree were picked up from the grower in March, re-potted in May by myself and my Foundation students. We put them in growing pots, then they were all re-potted in my bonsai mix and drainage, and properly tied into their pots. These will be the trees that will be available first come first serve at my Japanese Black Pine Workshop at the GSBF convention in Sacramento Ca, Saturday November 1st, 2014 from 1PM until 4:30PM. The cost of the class and tree is $195.00.  If you have not reserved your spot do it quickly...these are great little trees. 



This is one of the trees that will be available at my workshop... First picture was taken in May 2014 after re-potting with RAB mix into a growing pot, second picture was taken September 22nd one month prior to the GSBF convention 2014.


This is one of the trees that will be available at my workshop... First picture was taken in May 2014 after re-potting with RAB mix into a growing pot, second picture was taken September 22nd one month prior to the GSBF convention 2014.



This is one of the trees that will be available at my workshop... First picture was taken in May 2014 after re-potting with RAB mix into a growing pot, second picture was taken September 22nd one month prior to the GSBF convention 2014.


This is one of the trees that will be available at my workshop... First picture was taken in May 2014 after re-potting with RAB mix into a growing pot, second picture was taken September 22nd one month prior to the GSBF convention 2014.


This is one of the trees that will be available at my workshop... First picture was taken in May 2014 after re-potting with RAB mix into a growing pot, second picture was taken September 22nd one month prior to the GSBF convention 2014.



This is one of the trees that will be available at my workshop... First picture was taken in May 2014 after re-potting with RAB mix into a growing pot, second picture was taken September 22nd one month prior to the GSBF convention 2014.



This is one of the trees that will be available at my workshop... First picture was taken in May 2014 after re-potting with RAB mix into a growing pot, second picture was taken September 22nd one month prior to the GSBF convention 2014.



This is one of the trees that will be available at my workshop... First picture was taken in May 2014 after re-potting with RAB mix into a growing pot, second picture was taken September 22nd one month prior to the GSBF convention 2014.



This is one of the trees that will be available at my workshop... First picture was taken in May 2014 after re-potting with RAB mix into a growing pot, second picture was taken September 22nd one month prior to the GSBF convention 2014.


This is one of the trees that will be available at my workshop... First picture was taken May 2014 after re-potting with RAB mix into a growing pot, second picture was taken September 22nd one month prior to the GSBF convention 2014.




16 November Ron gives a Japanese Black Pine Basic Talk at Santa Cruz Bonsai Kai Club...Photos Courtesy of Ben Willis.


Class room teaching...Photos Courtesy of Ben Willis.


Showing how to remove needles and turn nursery stock into future bonsai...Photos Courtesy of Ben Willis.


SCBK Members answering question from the teaching sheet ...such as...Which tree has the smallest candles...Photos Courtesy of Ben Willis.


Ron explaining branch development and stages of growth...Photos Courtesy of Ben Willis.


Even this young bonsai enthusiast was answering bonsai was his first time at the SCBK Club...Photos Courtesy of Ben Willis.


November 23rd 2013 Ron At the Pro-build Nursery giving a basic Japanese Black Pine talk and Demo


Pro-Build Talk


Showing how to change a Pine whirl into a branch


Explaining How to pull needles on the bottom of the branch


November 24th, 2013 Shawn and Ben finishing their first year Foundation Training....YEAHHH


Shawn Looking Dapper and Happy to have competed his first year of training.


Ben Contemplating...What am i going to do with this tree...working on wiring


First year Foundation training celebration


 Melting albacore and ...Goodness


More Goodness and sake


Shawn happy after enjoying a toast to our chef


Ben enjoying his SAKE at Akira restaurant in Santa Cruz


California has been too warm and dry to begin pulling needles on Japanese black pines...So i picked up about 20 little junipers to wire out....This is the before!
















Picked up a few Mugo pines also


Just wiring it out and allowing the sunlight to get to the interior to help back budding.


Another week or so and we will begin Japanese Black pine Needle pulling


Have a great holiday season!!