
Our goal is to always have fun while doing bonsai, hence our company slogan    You know you are a bonsai freak when you ...




                                                                                       Twisted Pomegranate


Each year the Santa Cruz Bonsai Kai has a plant sale and pot luck in August. This is usually between members of the club, but recently have included the local public and other surrounding clubs. In my opinion each club out there should be doing this. What it allows our club to do is to bring bonsai trees or material that has been being cared for by a member for some time and then allow it to be sold to another member to begin its second journey. It hopefully will not be its final journey since all of our goals should be to keep these bonsai trees healthy. Healthy enough until maybe the next bonsai enthusiast comes along and perhaps turns it into bonsai master piece to be enjoyed for years to come. As most of us know the masterpieces we see today were usually collect or owned by someone else before it was turned in a living work of art. When you ask a person who owns an amazing tree where they got the bonsai tree, most start with … well I got this tree from …

This annual gathering and sale is where last year I picked up this twisted pomegranate. This tree had belong to Tim Shea for I am not sure how long. I saw the tree for what it could be, not what it was. I have owned the tree for 12 months now. In February I put the tree in a bonsai pot and removed most of the large limbs. Then I let it grow…The rest of the blog will be pictures. Hey, you know that older club member sitting in the back of your monthly meeting. I am sure he has a wealth of knowledge and maybe some wonderful trees he would be willing to part with…Before they reach the sale area!! Time to make some new friends!! For fun stop by my group on Facebook



 The tree last August 2012


Sorry picture is a little blurry...This after re-potting and letting it grow.


This is after wiring a few main branches.


This is yesterday getting it ready for the Santa Cruz the future i will carve out the old deadwood in the back.


This is also yesterday and now its beginning to show its fall colors



Written by Ron Anderson — September 05, 2013